Joined with over 10K+ investors across Australia to manage your share and property investments with our leading StockMaster and POSH software
StockMaster is an award winning share portfolio manangement software.
It was designed to provide investors with an easy tool to manage shares, options, warrants, managed funds and contracts for difference investments.
POSH is the Australia's leading and best selling Investment Property Analysis and Management Software.
It was designed to provide property investors, owners or real estate consultants to analyse and manage your property portfolio with ease.
Portfolio Management Software with features:
Current Version: v28.0
Learn More Download UpgradeProperty Analysis & Management Software with features:
Current Version: v23.0
Learn More Download UpgradeOur premium data plan is fully integrated in StockMaster and POSH Plus so you can update your portfolios in one simple click!
OrderWe provide professional software development services range from simple standalone database application to complex web based ecommerce system.